Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Move of God

With every move of God, the enemy lies waiting to kill, steal and destroy. Whether it be your joy, your peace, the revelation you received...Satan wants to snuff out the flame before it begins to really burn in you.

As you grow in your walk with the Lord, and gain experience, you will develop a peace in the midst of Satan's very predictable behavior. You will also develop an attitude that refuses to accept his "push-back" to the Goodness of God in your life.

Matthew 18:18 NLT "I tell you the Truth, whatever you FORBID on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you PERMIT on earth with be permitted in heaven."

Jesus has given the Keys of the Kingdom (Authority) to us, His Church. We must exercise that authority so the Gates of Hell do not prevail. 

Exercise your authority today. Speak His Word, the Promises of God over your situation and refuse to accept (forbid) the adversity in your life to prevail.

It is your right as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven!

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